Difference between Opportunity Cost and Money Cost


Opportunity cost which is also known as the real cost or true cost refers to the sacrifice made in order to satisfy a want, using a given unit of resources. It is also refers to the want that is left unsatisfied in order to satisfy another more pressing want.


Money cost on the other hand, refers to the amount of money paid for a particular item. For instance, a student in a Nigerian university has ₦1000 and has two pressing wants of buying a textbook and a shirt which costs ₦1000 each. The student has to choose to buy one of the commodities at the expense of the other as a result of his limited available resources (money) used in satisfying his wants.

If the student decides to buy textbook and forgo the shirt, therefore ₦1000 is the money cost of the textbook while the opportunity cost of the textbook is the shirt which he failed to buy with the same money – the forgone alternative.

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