Stay Balanced


A wealthy man could spend a fortune just to decorate his house…
But we all know reality;
The beauty of a house are the friends that frequent it.
Trust Is risky yet its riskier to have no friends.
A heartbreak is painful,
But what could be more devastating than a life with no love.
Its shameful to fail,
Yet what is more cowardly than never to have tried.
Life is serious balance it up with laughter.
The world has enough hate, show some love.
Darkness scares the crap out of people, be the light.
Stay free,
free from your worst nightmare,
free from your wishful thinking,
free from both extremes of life.
Work like you don’t know how to rest,
then rest like the laziest man you know.
Appreciate technology,
get the latest advancement and use it…
But sometimes throw all that away
and have a feel of the good old days…
Use the sleekest cars,
but don’t forget to take a stroll with a loved one …
Get the finest shoes and wear the trendiest head wears….
But don’t forget to stand with your bare foot on the ground,
embrace the cool breeze,
let it play with your hair and listen to its unique sound…
Be international, be local
Be serious, be playful
Be tough, be kind
Be strict, be good
Be Spiritual, Be human
Stay balanced.


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