Apply for theCreativesPrize Award

theCreativesPrize is an Independent  
and Reliable Creative Certifying Brand.
People within the ages of 18-40 years 
who are either Singers, Dancers,
Comedians, Activist, Models, DJ's, 
Writers, are encouraged to join the 

Steps involved in applying for theCreativesPrize Award.

There are three simple steps involved in joining theCreativesPrize are given below;

  1. Bio: this requires information like your Name, Age, State of Origin,etc.
  2. Your Creativity: this step requires answering simple questions about the creative thing you do. Here, you tell us what makes you unique from the others in your field.
  3. Invite:  here, you are encouraged to suggest a friend of yours who is also creative in order for him/her to join the Institute and get a Creative code. Copy the message below and send to the Creative friends that you invited;

Dear Creative friend,

I invite you to apply for theCreativesPrize which I am part of.

This program is being maintained by

Join today to earn a certificate as a Creative & stand a chance to inspire more young people.

The administrative fee is ₦5,000.

Kindly make payments into the bank account details below;

Account Name: Ladydee Inspired Multiconcept

Account Number: 0235961188

Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank)

To start your application, visit

Yours for Creativity,
tCPA Team

To read more about theCreativesPrize, click here

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