The Book of Joshua | Bible Introduction and Summary of Joshua


The Book of Joshua is the story of the Israelite invasion of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua, the successor of Moses. Notable events recorded in this book include the crossing of the Jordan, the fall of Jericho, the battle at Ai, and the renewal of the covenant between God and his people. One of the best-known passages in the book is, β€œDecide today whom you will serve… As for my family and me, we will serve the Lord.” (24.15)Outline of ContentsThe conquest of Canaan 1.1β€”12.24The division of the land 13.1β€”21.45a. The land east of the Jordan 13.1–33b. The land west of the Jordan 14.1β€”19.51c. The cities of refuge 20.1–9d. The cities of the Levites 21.1–45The eastern tribes return to their territory 22.1–34Joshua’s farewell address 23.1–16The covenant renewed at Shechem 24.1–33

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