The Book of Proverbs| Bible Introduction and Summary of Proverbs
The Book of Proverbs is a collection of moral and religious teachings in the form of sayings and proverbs. Much of it has to do with practical, everyday concerns. It begins with the reminder that “To have knowledge, you must first have reverence for the LORD” (1.7), and then goes on to deal with matters not only of religious morality, but also of common sense and good manners. Its many short sayings reveal the insights of ancient Israelite teachers about what a wise person will do in certain situations. Some of these concern family relations, others business dealings. Some deal with matters of etiquette in social relationships, and others with the need for self-control. Much is said about such qualities as humility, patience, respect for the poor, and loyalty to friends.Outline of ContentsIn praise of wisdom 1.1—9.18The proverbs of Solomon 10.1—29.27The words of Agur 30.1–33Various sayings 31.1–31