The Book of 2nd Samuel| Bible Introduction and Summary of 2nd Samuel


The Second Book of Samuel, the sequel to 1 Samuel, is the history of David’s reign as king, first over Judah in the south (chapters 1—4), and then over the whole nation, including Israel in the north (chapters 5—24). It is a vivid account of how David, in order to extend his kingdom and consolidate his position, had to struggle with enemies within the nation as well as with foreign powers. David is shown to be a man of deep faith and devotion to God, and one who was able to win the loyalty of his people. Yet he is also shown as being sometimes ruthless, and willing to commit terrible sins to serve his own desires and ambitions. But when he is confronted with his sins by the LORD’s prophet Nathan, he confesses them and accepts the punishment that God sends.

The life and achievements of David impressed the people of Israel so much that in later times of national distress, when they longed for another king, it was for one who would be “a son of David”, that is, a descendant of David who would be like him.

Outline of Contents;

  • David’s reign over Judah 1.1—4.12
  • David’s reign over all Israel 5.1—24.25a.
  • The early years 5.1—10.19b.
  • David and Bathsheba 11.1—12.25c.
  • Troubles and difficulties 12.26—20.26d.
  • The later years 21.1—24.25
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